Christ in Glory

Colossians 3:1-4

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ
sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on
the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, Who is
our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory.

The Mystery Church then has its Hope in The Heavenly Places at the great appearing there. The way there is by resurrection. But not here on earth, but there in The Heavenlies. No need for transportation, not even up into the air, as is Israel's hope.

The question of when comes up. We do not know, except that it will be some time before Israel's resurrection and the coming of the Lord to earth. In the past, there have been three stages in God's dealing with mankind; 1) nations from Adam to Abraham, then 2) Israel from Abraham to the end of Acts, and finally, 3) The Church from the end of Acts till Israel will be ready for their Messiah (2 days, as in Hosea 6:2). This is hinted at in many O.T. prophesies, After those days being used frequently.

The Manifestation is also called the epiphany by folks today, from the Greek word epiphaneia. On the other hand, Israel's hope is the presence of the parousia, which is usually translated as coming. So then the second coming of Christ is the parousia, and His Manifestation is to be in Glory, The Heavenly Places. In each case, His own will be in company with Him, partaking of His Glory. The difference is important.

The term manifestation indicates that something is hidden and will be brought to light. And so it is for Christ is sitting with His Father on The Father's throne. He has been exalted but not taken over His rights as yet. But when the times come, there will be The Manifestation in The Heavenlies followed by His descent to earth in the great second coming. This will be the unveiling which is the meaning of Revelation.

Also connected with The Manifestation is the joining of two families, one in heaven and one on earth, both to be in The Heavenly Places under one Head, as indicated in Ephesians 1:9-10. But Israel, the earth people, are not part of this but keep their home here on the earth.

The group in the heavenly places at the present time is called principalities, powers, mights, and dominions. These are mighty spirit beings once associated with Lucifer on the earth but did not join him in his rebellion. And so this joint relationship is called the whole family in heaven and earth. See Ephesians 3:15.

In our text, these things are mentioned to encourage real Christian living, keeping our eyes on Christ and His position today, and walking worthy of such a calling. It is to be spiritually minded, be meek, and show love to Christ and fellow men.

Col. 3:1 'If ye then be risen with Christ...set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.'

There once was a time when there were people who had a legitimate right to set their affection on things on the earth. The promise made to Abraham was an earthly one, even including the New Jerusalem, which is to be on earth. It was right for the apostles to set their affection on things on the earth, the Millennial Kingdom, and all the blessings attached thereto. It was right for the apostolic church of the Acts period to set their affection on the coming King and kingdom.

For about the first nine years of his ministry after his conversion, Paul preached to Jews only. It was not till about AD 46 that Paul and Barnabas turned to the Gentiles. And these Gentile believers were to have a part in The Kingdom, not by keeping the law, but a walk by grace. Although Paul still preached to Jews whenever the opportunity came, he preached to Gentiles when the Jews rejected his message. That went on for about another 18 years. But during this period of close to 27 years, Paul preached before Acts 28; he had whereof to boast. He was circumcised, an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, a real genuine Hebrew, a Pharisee, zealous, and as to the law, he was blameless. These things pertained to the earth, an earthly calling and hope.

But when Paul ended his Kingdom ministry at the end of the Acts period, The Lord revealed to him the Gospel of The Church, The Body of Christ, and the Dispensation of The Mystery. No longer did he look for the coming of the King to set up the Millennial Kingdom; he now had a New Hope. And in The Church with its heavenly calling, these things of the earth which had been an advantage to him were worthless. He must put his affection on Heaven.

At one time, Paul could boast that he spoke in tongues more than any others. But that had now passed away as for the other sign-gifts, such as prophecies, miracles, healings, and the like, they, too, passed away. And instead of looking for a King to sit on the throne of His father David here on earth, Paul looked to be manifested with Christ in the heavenlies. Christ is the Head of all things and especially of the church.

And also, the rituals, baptisms, feasts of the Jews (wrongly is the Passover called Lord's Supper), and even some officers in the assemblies are all done away. In the Church of the Dispensation of The Mystery, there is nothing for the flesh to desire or to boast about. All are in the realm of the spirit. So the members of The Church, which is the Body of Christ, are not to be concerned with what they eat on any special occasions, or what they may drink in any ritualistic act, nor do they keep holidays (religious ones), or look for the new moon so as to establish the time of these holidays, and they have nothing to do with Sabbaths. All these things have to do with the earth and an earthly calling. If we are seated with Christ far above all, then why should we, as though living in the world, be subject to the earthly ordinances?

Col. 3:1 'If ye then be risen with Christ...set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.'

  • The Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus Christ; Who declares to the Believer our Heavenly Father that we might know Him. God has revealed Himself not according to religious viewpoints but reveals Himself by the written Word.  The Light that illuminates our path makes it possible for all who are willing to walk with Him and to see His clear instructions to live victorious lives in Christian Faith and Practice.
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