
Revelation 16:16

And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Armageddon means Mountain of Megiddo, but the term is used in the Bible to signify the Great War of God. The War will take place in the valley of Esdraelon, which was a battlefield many times in ancient Israel. Here fought Barak and Gideon, here Saul died, and here Josiah died.

You will find it on your map just southeast of Mt. Carmel. Nazareth is on the north side of it.

This is to be the scene of the final battle of the age before The Kingdom is established. No doubt hundreds of millions will be slain here, the greatest slaughter of all time. Not only in this little valley, but the whole land will be soaked with the blood, 1600 furlongs (Rev. 14:20), from Dan to Beersheba. It will furnish a great feast for the beasts of the earth and the fowls of the air. This will be called "the supper of the great God" (Rev. 19:17).

Now for the events leading up to this great struggle. After The Church of The One Body Manifests with Christ Jesus in The Heaven of heavens, Israel and its Dispensation are back on the scene spiritually, and from there will be a period leading up to the great tribulation. Contrary to popular belief, when the tribulation starts, it will last not seven but three and one-half years (Dan. 7:25-27). This is in the midst of the 70th week of Daniel that was determined upon Israel and the Holy City (Dan.9:24). There had been a treaty made with Israel that they could rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem and worship there in peace. This was for seven years, but in the middle of that week of years, the beast suddenly breaks the treaty, and the antichrist (2 separate individuals) sets up the abomination of desolation in the Holy of Holies in The Temple and declares himself to be God. Then a decree goes forth from the beast that all must worship the image of the beast and receive the number or mark upon pain of death.

It can readily be seen that the tribulation that follows is an attempt by the devil to liquidate the Israelite believers, but he can not find them, for they have fled to the wilderness where God once again hides and feeds them. The rest of the Christian world lives through this terrible time contrary to popular belief (See The Hope Of Paul's Epistles Written During The Time Of Acts). At the end of this tribulation period, things come to a head. The Euphrates river is dried up so that the kings of the east may come in. Prophecy also states that there will be many coming in from the north. At the present time, countries east and north of Palestine could muster a few hundred million soldiers.

We do not know just how or why these come in. Out of the mouths of the unholy trinity, the dragon, beast, and false prophet, come evil spirits or demons like unto frogs. These, with their lying wonders, may get men to come to the great battle.

How and why the issue at stake changes, we do not know, but after trying to eradicate the remnant, they make war against the Lamb and the armies of heaven. 

At no time do we find that any Gospel is given out to those who come from the north and east. We can see that they have no place for such, and these very places now are trying to stamp out The Word of God. This may be significant, but we do not know.

This is all connected with the seven last plagues, and note that they are aimed at the kingdom of the beast and his throne and those who receive the mark of the beast and worship his image.

The Last Trumpet blows, and the Christians rise to meet The Lord in the air. Then He Who is The Word destroys the armies of men with the sharp sword that issues from His mouth. The King of kings and Lord of lords is victorious and then is "the supper of the great God."

The only ones who escape this awful slaughter at Armageddon are the faithful Israelites hidden by God in the wilderness and fed with daily bread from above.

Would you be shocked to learn that the Scriptures do not speak of an Immortal Soul. No other teaching has caused as much confusion and error as this great lie. Genesis 3:4 states "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:"  Find out the truth about death that the Devil does not want you to know! Click Death & The Great Lie

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