Saturday, February 22, 2025


Ephesians 2:13

But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

Although this little word, NOW, maybe a conjunction, a noun, or an interjection, it is most of the time used as an adverb and has to do with time. It is used eight times in Ephesians. Now let us study now.

1. Eph. 2:2. Here, we read of a spirit that now works in the children of disobedience. The next verse indicates that it had formerly worked likewise. It is a spirit that resides in Children of Wrath. So this is something that works now and worked then.

2. Eph. 2:13. This is a contrast of now and then. At one time, the Gentiles were far off, even when under the Gospel of The Grace of God in Acts. But now, in the Dispensation of The Mystery, it is revealed that these Gentiles have been made nigh by the blood.

3. Eph. 2:19. Up to Acts 28:28, the Gentile believers had been strangers from the covenants of promise and aliens (foreigners) from the commonwealth of Israel. There was no joint relationship, for the Gentile believers were simply a wild olive branch depending on the roots of Israel for blessings. Now, in the administration of the mystery, Israel is out of the picture, and the Gentile believers have their own citizenship in the holiest of all and make up a new household as the firstborn of God.

4. Eph. 3:5. There has been a steady increase in the Revelation of Christ from Gen 3:15 up to the time of the beginning of The Dispensation of The Mystery. But nothing like what is now made known through the Apostles and Prophets of The Mystery Church. For The Mystery of Christ is completed by the revelation of His Headship of all things in creation.

5. Eph. 3:10. Up to Acts 28:28, God's program was an earthly one, making known the name of Jehovah to the nations of the earth by means of His people, Israel. But now, The Church is making known the manifold wisdom of God to beings in the heavenlies. This is a part of the program of the administration of the mystery. It has to do with the heavens.

6. Eph. 3:20. This is one of the most beautiful of all the doxologies in the Bible. And it comes after the mention of the love of Christ, which was so broad that it included both Jew and Gentile, so long as to extend from before the overthrow unto the ages to come, so deep as to pull us up from the depths of trespasses and sins, and high enough to seat us in Heavenly Places at the right hand of The Father. Now is a good time for our highest praise.

7. Eph. 4:9. There is an indication that the descent of Christ and His humiliation was into the lowest parts of creation, that is, the earth. But now He has ascended and given gifts to The Church in the form of a foundation of apostles and prophets, and added to that, for the work, are evangelists, pastors, and teachers—no gifts to members as such.

8. Eph. 5:8. At one time, the Gentiles walked in the darkness of sin and ignorance. But now they have the light of The Gospel of the Dispensation of The Mystery. And since our citizenship is in the Holy of holies where the Shekinah Glory dwells, we should walk as children of light. That is now.

Now is the time for all good believers to study the Word of God to see what is the Truth for now.

  • The Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus Christ; Who declares to the Believer our Heavenly Father that we might know Him. God has revealed Himself not according to religious viewpoints but reveals Himself by the written Word.  The Light that illuminates our path makes it possible for all who are willing to walk with Him and to see His clear instructions to live victorious lives in Christian Faith and Practice.
  • is a Bible Study Center whose goal is to base all of our posted teachings on Scripture and not the traditions and commandments of men.