
Genesis 15:6

And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

Justification is a word in The Word that has two main streams of meaning, and we will attempt to show both here in this study of one of the great promises in God's Word.

1. Remission of sins:

This is the first step and the primary meaning of the word Justification. Christ died for the ungodly. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He was the Lamb of God, foreordained to take away the sin of the world. Atonement is not a subject of the Epistles of Paul; however, it occurs there once and should be correctly translated into reconciliation.

Reconciliation is defined in 2 Cor. 5:19. '...that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses against them.' This great Truth is rarely recognized by Christians today. Stated simply, as far as God is concerned, all barriers have been removed so that the unbeliever may step up and receive The Gift of Everlasting Life freely. The purpose of reconciliation is to give each individual an opportunity to receive The Gift..

There is another side to the reconciliation that should be considered. The unbeliever is asked to be reconciled to God. Sin is enmity against God, and those who persist in sin build up walls of their own to separate them from God. There is no wall on God's part; the path is clear so that everyone has access and all have the means set forth so beautifully in God's Word.

We are told in The Word that there is forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ and that forgiveness is for all. This forgiveness or reconciliation does not give life. Many teach or think that if one's sins are forgiven, then he has Everlasting Life. That is not true. This Life is in Christ, and he that has the Son has life. Simply living a decent life is not what prompts Everlasting Life; rather, acceptance of The Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Justification by faith:

We find this first mentioned in Gen. 15:6. Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness. Here is another and even deeper meaning of justification. The believer, by faith, can have an imputed righteousness. He receives The Gift of Life and The Hope of Resurrection and earns rewards as he walks in The Light of Christ Jesus.

Should the Believer be satisfied with being saved as by fire? (1 Cor. 3:15) The Believer should lay up treasure, and that can be by faith. Abraham had life and was a believer long before Gen. 15:6. it was the faith of Abraham, though, that pleased God, and so Abraham had righteousness laid up to his account.

There are many who seek everlasting life and an escape from an imaginary punishment in the hereafter, but how many seek that righteousness which is of faith? Just read through Heb. Chapter 11 and note all the people who obtained this righteousness by faith, believing what God had said. They have a special inheritance awaiting them in Resurrection that they will enjoy throughout eternity. God wanted to reward their faithfulness with a special inheritance, and God wants to reward us with a special inheritance for believing what He has said regarding The Church, which is His Body.

Would you be shocked to learn that the Scriptures do not speak of an Immortal Soul. No other teaching has caused as much confusion and error as this great lie. Genesis 3:4 states "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:"  Find out the truth about death that the Devil does not want you to know! Click Death & The Great Lie

  • The Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus Christ; Who declares to the Believer our Heavenly Father that we might know Him. God has revealed Himself not according to religious viewpoints but reveals Himself by the written Word.  The Light that illuminates our path makes it possible for all who are willing to walk with Him and to see His clear instructions to live victorious lives in Christian Faith and Practice.
  • Believer.com is a Bible Study Center whose goal is to base all of our posted teachings on Scripture and not the traditions and commandments of men.