The Gospel in the Stars in PDF

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Joseph A. Seiss

It was the common and accepted doctrine of antiquity that the constellations were divine in origin and sacred in character. They are woven in with all the old ethnic religions. Much as heathenism has perverted them to false worship, it has ever been held by the line of believers that they are from God for signs and seasons.

Did God arrange the stars in the sky to spell out his ultimate plans for the human race? Yes, as shown in this book first published in 1882 as an attempt to reconcile Christianity with the public fascination with astrology... a fascination that endures today.

In this profusely illustrated volume, discover the connections between the signs of the Zodiac (known to the Hebrews as The Mazzoroth) and Christianity. For instance - Leo The Lion represents Jesus Christ; the Gemini twins signify both the relationship of Adam and Eve as well as God's relationship with His church.

Building upon this ancient  language of the stars, the author demonstrates the truth of God's "one plan and purpose of Redemption for fallen man."

American Lutheran pastor JOSEPH AUGUST SEISS (1823-1904) was born in Maryland and served congregations in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. In addition to numerous translations of hymns from the original German, he also authored numerous books, including The Apocalypse.

196 Pages Paperback

Author: Joseph A. Seiss

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