Ephesians 4:3-4
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit ... There is ONE BODY.
The Spirit here is the Giver of gifts and The Author of the Unity which has been made and which we are to keep. A part of this Unity is The One Body. The members of this One Body become such by adoption or placing as sons Eph. 1:5.
This one body was also endowed with gifts by the ascended Christ, not gifts to individuals but to the whole body. These gifts were apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The first two are foundational and have passed away.
This Body is not described as having any parts or members except for the fact that The Head is The Christ. In this Unity, He is the central figure.
This body had its beginning from a former body of believers who accepted The Truth of The Mystery after Acts 28:28. Both Jew and Gentile were made one and created into one new man (Ephesians 2:12-16). Both Jew and Gentile were then reconciled in One Body to God by the cross. And this Mystery is further explained in Eph. 3:6 that in this One Body, all members are in a joint relationship; joint heirs, joint members, and joint partakers of a promise of life in Christ, which promise was made before the ages began, see 2 Tim. 1:9 and Tit. 1:2.
Gentiles are no longer dogs; neither do they eat as guests at Israel's table, but they have a table of their own. All now are called Gentiles or nations. Jews are no longer Jews but have to become Gentiles in order to enjoy all spiritual blessings in The Heavenly Places in Christ. Under the law, a Gentile had to become a Jew in order to enjoy the blessings of Abraham. The tables are turned.
The Kingdom and all those things that pertained to Israel have passed away. The earth is no longer the inheritance but Heaven itself. Each member has his citizenship there Phil. 3:20 And it is from heaven that the members look for His appearing, not from the earth.
Instead of the promise made to Abraham, which concerned a people, the promised land, kings, a kingdom, and the like, this One Body is already seated with Christ in Heavenly Places. It has every blessing that is spiritual in that place.
Instead of coming back to earth, The One Body will have its Resurrection in The Heaven of heavens. No transportation problems there.
This One Body has no commission to preach to the nations of the earth. Paul felt he should make all men (believers) see what is The Dispensation of The Mystery. As Israel was to preach to the nations, so this One Body is now making known to principalities and powers in Heavenly Places the manifold wisdom of God. Quite a commission, is it not?
At no time has there ever been two bodies. Paul could truthfully say in 1 Corinthians 12:13 that there was one body then. He could just as truthfully say in Ephesians 4:4 and this side of Acts 28:28 that there is One Body. They do not interfere with one another as to time. Neither do they by space, the former being on the earth and the latter in the heavens.