The Bride and The Body in PDF

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Charles H. Welch

Much confusion has crept into the teachings over the years where most Christians believe God refers to the church today as both the Bride of Christ and the Body of Christ.

An examination of three Scriptural terms: (1) The Wife. (2) The Bride, and (3) The Body; from which it is concluded that these signify three distinct callings.

There is sufficient evidence for believing that the Church today is called THE BODY as is denominated in Ephesians 1:22-23. This calling is unique, is entirely disassociated from the hope and calling of Israel, and was indeed hidden in the mind of God, hidden even in His Word until the present dispensation of the Mystery followed the dismissal of Israel in Acts twenty-eight.

If we call upon the O.T. to bear witness to the Church which is His Body, the answer is silence. Such a company and such a relationship are unknown. If, however, we call upon the O.T. to bear witness to a company of redeemed, that is likened to either wife or bride, the answer is affirmative and very full.

The book The Bride and The Body points out clearly from God's Word that these are three distinct callings. Many Christians today don't see the difference but after reading this book the believer will see God has made the Churches as obvious as the Bride and the Bridegroom are at any wedding.

Author: Charles H. Welch

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