What causes hunger? According to the dictionary, hunger is a feeling brought on by weakness or discomfort caused by lack of food. It creates a strong desire or craving to be fed. It can also be called our “appetite”.

This theme can be applied both in the physical and spiritual spheres. Appetite, in the natural world, is a sign of health. The absence of it, is the opposite sign. So it is in the spiritual sphere. Our appetite, or desire to feed on the Word of God, is the measure of our spiritual health. By this measure we may test ourselves. This acts like the clinical thermometer in enabling us to find out and demonstrate our real spiritual condition. 

So as the title asks, How is your appetite? Of course we are referring to your spiritual appetite. We can possess all of the tools for this life within the Bible, but if we never open The Book, or we only read it as a novel, we will greatly miss out on receiving the nutrition from it which we need. Much like if we had a large bank account. The value of that money, is only in proportion to the enjoyment or benefit we receive from it. We may have a million dollars in the bank, but if we never use our debit card or make a withdrawal, the money remains a mere figure in the checkbook register; and profits us nothing. 

In the book “The Two Natures in The Child of God”, we read the following... “The root of all the trouble is the neglect of the divinely appointed means, the feeding upon the Word of God. This is the instrument by means of which the new nature is implanted; and this is the only means by which it can be supported, nourished, and strengthened. This Word of God is of value, only as we feed on it for ourselves; and as we properly digest it and assimilate it. No one can do this for us. Do not think, therefore, that we can live by looking on and seeing other people eat or that we can learn by merely looking over and copying their work. We must do our own searching of the Word, and “mark” our own Bibles, and make our own tables and analysis. True, we may be guided and instructed in this by others, and we may be stimulated by their labors and examples; but we must each one do it for one's self, and we must learn it for ourselves in order to derive strength from it. Everything that we need for our spiritual health and strength is in the Word of God: and The Holy Spirit who inspired it to be placed there is always with us, to teach us, to give us the understanding and to inspire it in our hearts. Let all our dependence be placed on Him. Let us not slight Him by leaning upon man. Lean not on your own understanding. Listen to your thoughts only so far as they glorify Christ and magnify His Word. All we can do is act as a guide and a finger post, to tell you where the food is, and where the “green pastures” lie; and to point out the usefulness, the sweetness, the power, The Truth, and the profitableness of this heavenly food; and tell you where you may find what is suited to your needs. We have no monopoly in this. We have only the same Word to feed on for ourselves. We can prepare the food, and carve it for you, but we cannot eat it for you; you must do this for yourselves.” 

Here only, in the Word of God, shall we find all armour for every conflict, all strength for every service, all comfort for every sorrow, all resources for every need. 

2Tim. 3:16-17: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 

What happens when we aren't feeding our spirit? Well what do you think would happen to your pets if you only fed them once a week? Even if you gave them the amount to last a week, they would not wisely ration it, they would devour it and it would leave them sick and without food for the rest of the week. Do we not do this very same thing in our Christian walk? How often do we carelessly float through the week, not feeding our spirit, only to wait for Sunday morning to get one meal we hope will last us all week. In reality this will make us all weak

When we aren't feeding and walking in our spirit, we are feeding or gratifying our flesh. When we do this, our focus is on earthly things, rather than heavenly, and we make unwise decisions. Remember the story of Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25:25-34)? Hunger can make us choose irrationally. It can leave us with serious regrets. Let us not neglect to feed our spirit. Here in Proverbs we read this warning and promise: 

Pro. 1:32-33: For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. 

Turning away from what? From wisdom, which only comes from God and His Word. But those that desire and draw near to Him, will dwell safely and not fear. What a motivation! Who doesn't want peace in life?

I pray you will be inspired to dig in and study the Word, feed your spirit, and reap countless benefits. Empty wells cannot quench a thirsty soul. We must go the source of endless waters and be filled, that we may have a refreshing drink to offer those in need. 

God bless you!
Your Sister in Christ, Kacy


  • The Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus Christ; Who declares to the Believer our Heavenly Father that we might know Him. God has revealed Himself not according to religious viewpoints but reveals Himself by the written Word.  The Light that illuminates our path makes it possible for all who are willing to walk with Him and to see His clear instructions to live victorious lives in Christian Faith and Practice.
  • Believer.com is a Bible Study Center whose goal is to base all of our posted teachings on Scripture and not the traditions and commandments of men.