The Galatian & Roman Epistles of Paul in PDF

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Stuart Allen

This is an exposition of two epistles written by Paul. There are basic, fundamental principles of sin and death, law, and grace that need to be understood by the child of God.

Mr. Allen suggests that these two epistles are similar in several ways. The truths that are sketched out in the Galatian epistle are seen in the finished picture of the Roman epistle. These truths deal with the fundamentals of the Christian faith, which are justification by faith and not by our works, and the perfect liberty we have in Christ by being under grace. We are sinners because we are in Adam and death is working in us as a result of Adam's fall. Christ’s finished work at Calvary gives us life, liberty, and the hope of a resurrection.

Mr. Allen begins by explaining that Paul felt it was necessary to prove his credentials as an apostle. His enemies were trying to discredit him because he wasn't chosen with the twelve by Christ. Christ appointed the twelve apostles. After Paul proved that his office and his gospel came from the ascended Christ, he then explains the good news to those at Galatia.

The expression "justified by faith" means that God will judge the believer to be righteous because he is in Christ. We have perfect liberty from religious ordinances because we are dead to the law. The law did not give life, divine inheritance, righteousness, or lead to spiritual maturity. The law was only a shadow of good things to come and was weak through the flesh. Its final purpose was to prove that we needed a Saviour. Jews and Gentiles could now have this liberty by being in Christ.

The truths about law and grace are also brought out in the Roman Epistle but in greater detail. Paul's office was no longer in question, so there was a more relaxed atmosphere in Rome.

God’s elective purpose with Israel was put into practice with the choosing of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in which the true seed of Israel was revealed. Abraham had eight sons, but only Isaac was chosen. So those in Israel who claimed they were part of the true seed of Abraham could not prove this unless they were descendants of Isaac.

Mr. Allen does a fine job of explaining these two Epistles by using a simple, easily understood method of comparison.

188 Pages Paperback

Author: Stuart Allen

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