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Charles H. Welch

A study of five spiritual values under the headings:

All Spiritual Blessings

Rags or Robes

All of One (Heb. 2:11)

The Lord's Anointed


Most of us have heard of the legend of King Solomon’s Mines but there is a Mine that is not connected with legends, to which we have free access, namely, the Word of God. This is His truth given to us, which we can keep digging, and unearth by the Spirit of God, gems that in splendor outshine all the glory of Solomon; that reveal to us the One Who was, is, and always will be greater than Solomon, Christ Himself, the One Who for a time, for us, gave up that glory and all it signified, so that we might be manifested with Him in glory, redeemed by His precious blood.

With the persistence and energy of the miner in mind we think of Charles Welch and his labor and zeal over the many years, unearthing Truths in the Word of God. 

Not only does the author ‘dig’ with all his energy, but, like the lapidary, he polishes and makes these gems of Truth scintillate with a foretaste of the glory that is to be ours in due time. In this book, he has ranged through the Scriptures dealing with such subjects as "Satisfaction", "Immortality", "Oneness", "Forgiveness", "Bread of Life", "Redemption", "Deity of Christ" etc.

His aim and object, as it has been throughout his life, is to glorify God and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ in all the Scriptures; to be an earthen vessel, always in his writings and expositions, exalting Christ. Here is an exposition of Dispensational, Doctrinal, and Practical truth not to be ignored by those who love the Lord Jesus Christ, a book not to be hastily read, and placed in the library, but to be perused and studied with the Scriptures beside one. 

With grateful thanks which I am sure will be echoed by all who study this book, I pray for the author and all associated with him in this publication.

Author: Charles H. Welch

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  • The Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus Christ; Who declares to the Believer our Heavenly Father that we might know Him. God has revealed Himself not according to religious viewpoints but reveals Himself by the written Word.  The Light that illuminates our path makes it possible for all who are willing to walk with Him and to see His clear instructions to live victorious lives in Christian Faith and Practice.
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