Grapes of Eshcol in PDF

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Charles H. Welch

THE GRAPES OF ESHCOL is a sequel to the booklet "The Dispensational Frontier" and presents a cluster of peculiar blessings, brought from the high calling of the Mystery, and exhibited to the Lord’s people in much the same spirit as prompted the witness of Caleb and Joshua.

At Eshcol, a valley in the vicinity of Hebron (Num. 13:22-23), very near the Southern border of the land of promise, they cut a cluster of grapes so huge they had to be borne between two men upon a staff. Caleb and Joshua testified by the grapes to the goodness of the land, and to the faithfulness and power of the Lord to fulfill His promise and give them the land for their inheritance.

But, Alas! The ten spies intimidated the people with their report concerning the giants, the sons of Anak so that the faithful two were threatened with stoning for their pains.

In this booklet, we too are bringing as it were "a cluster" from Eshcol even at the risk of being as badly treated for our pains as Caleb and Joshua. The country which we have searched and on which we report is represented by the epistle to the Ephesians, and in the history of the Church, Israel’s defection has been, alas, only too faithfully copied to its loss. Paul, like the faithful spies, was forsaken at the close of his life. "All in Asia" turned away from him; the precious revelation of the truth of the Mystery which it was his glory to make known was discounted, and so completely was his testimony rejected that no vestige of it is discernible in the writings of the "Fathers" who go back to the early portion of Acts, and wandered in their wilderness, even as Israel did in theirs.

Use this booklet to set you on a quest to see all The Father has given us in The Body of Christ.

Author: Charles H. Welch

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