Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in PDF

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Stuart Allen

Concise but comprehensive the study includes the nature of the Holy Spirit, His relationship to the world, the Holy Spirit's work, and much more.

There is no doubt whatsoever that knowledge of what the Holy Scriptures teach concerning the Holy Spirit is of supreme importance. The need to get a Bible-based view of the Holy Spirit becomes more and more evident as various charismatic movements appear on the scene. This study is indeed profound as any consideration of the great eternal God must be.

The Unitarian, who denies the deity of Christ, has the same problem regarding the Holy Spirit. His personality is denied and He is relegated to being merely a divine influence or a manifestation of divine power.  Judged by the Scriptures, this view is completely defective and must be rejected by all who value and want to attain the knowledge of God’s truth.

This booklet makes no attempt to deal with the doctrine of the Trinity. This has been done in other studies. We would however re-iterate that while the word "Trinity" does not occur in the Bible, the Truth of it certainly does. 


Author:  Stuart Allen

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