How to Enjoy the Bible in PDF

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Dr. E. W. Bullinger

A low condition of bodily health is produced by inattention to the laws of nature as to suitable diet. As this leads to the "drug habit" or to the immoderate use of stimulants in the natural sphere, so it is in the spiritual sphere. A low condition of spiritual health is produced by improper feeding or the neglect of necessary food, which is the Word of God; and the end is a resort to all the many modern fashions and novel methods and widely advertised nostrums in the Religious world in the attempt to remedy the inevitable results.

The Root of all the evils which abound in the spiritual sphere at the present day lies in the fact that the Word and the words of God are not fed upon, digested, and assimilated, as they ought to be.

If we ask the question, Why is this the case? the answer is, The Bible is not enjoyed because the Bible is not understood. The methods and rules by which alone such an understanding may be gained are not known or followed; hence the Bible is a neglected book.

The question Philip addressed to the Eunuch (Acts 8:30-31) is still greatly needed:

Understandeth thou what thou readest?

And the Eunuch's answer is only too true today:

How can I, except some man should guide me?

In this book, certain canons or principles are laid down, and each is illustrated by applying them to certain passages by way of examples. These are intended to be taken only as examples, and the principles involved are intended to be used for the elucidation of other passages in the course of Bible study.

With the aid of twelve simple canons or rules, other passages and subjects
maybe taken up and pursued both with pleasure and profit -- subjects which are even yet matters of controversy and of conflict.

We have to remember that the Bible is not a book of pure Science on the one hand, nor is it a book of Theology on the other. Yet all its science is not only true, but its statements are the foundation of all true science. And, it is Theology itself; for it contains all that we can ever know about God.

The cloud that now rests over its intelligent study arises from the fact that it is with us today as with the Jews of old -- "The Word of God has been made of none effect by the traditions of men" (Matt. 15:1-9).

Failing to understand the Scriptures we cease to feed on them; then as a natural consequence, and in inverse proportion, we lean on and submit to "the doctrines of men," and finally reach a theological desert.

We believe that this book will furnish just the help that Bible students need. This text has but one object to "Open the book", to let it speak; to hear its voice; to study it from within itself; and to have regard for other objects and subjects, only from what The Word of God teaches about them.

The method of "Higher" criticism is to discredit The Book or a passage on internal evidence.  How To Enjoy The Bible takes the method to establish and accredit Holy Scripture on internal evidence also, and thus to derive and provide, from its own pharmacopeia, an antidote to that subtle and malignant poison.

This method of study will reveal more convincing and "infallible proof" of inspiration that can be adduced from all the reasonings and arguments of men.

Like Ezra of old, this book's desire is to "Open the Book" and let it speak for itself, with the full conviction that if this can be done it can speak more loudly, and more effectively for itself than any man can speak on its behalf.

464 Pages

Author: E. W. Bullinger

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  • The Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus Christ; Who declares to the Believer our Heavenly Father that we might know Him. God has revealed Himself not according to religious viewpoints but reveals Himself by the written Word.  The Light that illuminates our path makes it possible for all who are willing to walk with Him and to see His clear instructions to live victorious lives in Christian Faith and Practice.
  • is a Bible Study Center whose goal is to base all of our posted teachings on Scripture and not the traditions and commandments of men.